Broker Online

BME Inntech has a gallery of modules for presenting a plethora of content: financial and stock market intelligence, third-party data, news, information on investment funds and foreign exchange, reports, PDFs, etc. All the modules can be personalised with each entity's corporate image, and can be redesigned in terms of content to adapt them to clients' needs.

BME Inntech's servers host and feed the modules, providing JavaScript libraries that clients can use to instantiate each of them. The modules are configured to be implemented in RWD solutions.

Content is complemented with tools that help users search for and manage information on the website. Tools are also available to generate added value from the content displayed, such as interactive graphics tools and currency calculators.

Depending on the assigned client profile, BME Inntech's proprietary features can be applied to these data modules enabling clients to display information in real time, delayed or on an end-of-day basis; provide or restrict access to content and tools; and even select, within the same market, which content to receive.

Integration with the various entities' backoffice and trading systems.

Inntech’s Trading Solutions are integrated out-of-the-box, allowing fast delivery of a complete Online Broker service.


For further information,
please contact us at

+34 91 709 56 10

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